With Blue Streak, you can be certain that your orders will arrive on time. We offer a selection of shipping services to fulfill your exact needs for your restaurant. Whether it’s a scheduled delivery or you need it immediately, Blue Streak will provide reliable service that includes a money-back guarantee if you aren’t satisfied.
Blue Streak Couriers offers convenient, hassle-free delivery to restaurants. We offer delivery of a variety of equipment and supplies, including:
Cooking equipment
Refrigeration and ice
Food prep
Dining room
Shelving carts and racks
Disposable supplies
We understand the needs of our consignees. As a result, we avoid delivering during the lunch hour, and we are sure to allow time for the consignee to review the order at the time of delivery. All of our drivers are professional, fully uniformed, and carry a photo ID.
Blue Streak provides the following to all customers: